What Does Nick Pope Really Know?

In reality, judging by what material Nick has had access to, and what he publicly discusses, he knows no more than anyone who has read the files released by the Ministry of Defence (MoD). If you observe Nick, he frequently discusses UFO sightings such as the Rendlesham Forest Incident or the Cosford sightings. All straight out of the MoD files. Let us not forget, the MoD has admitted that it has never investigated any sightings, and Nick’s role was an administrative one, so Nick is just repeating what he has read. This hasn’t stopped him pontificating on all manner of subjects and portraying himself as a “UFO Expert” in charge of the MoDs “UFO Project”. But a little research on your part will soon show that there was no “UFO Project” and Nick was not the MoDs “UFO Expert”.

Also, the files and incidents that Nick discusses are in the public domain, so there is no security issue. Anything that is still classified, Nick would never discuss because of his security oaths. However, due to the available information on Nick and his role within the MoD, I feel he knows no more than anyone who has read the MoD files.

[To Be Continued]