Nick Pope – The Cosford Incident #1

In a previous post, I stated that Nick Pope has a few favourite UFO cases. The infamous “Cosford Incident” is one of those pet cases. Nick claims that this is one of the incidents that changed him from UFO sceptic to UFO believer. However… In the MoD file DEFE 24/1967 – Spanish UFOlogist Vicente-Juan Ballester…

Nick Pope – A Useful Idiot?

This is a really interesting article from Dr. David Clarke. I know that for some he is a devisive character in the world of UK UFOlogy, but he has unearthed a lot of interesting information that really adds a lot of nuance to the Ministry of Defence’s approach to UFOs. In this article, we see…

Nick Pope – Bullshit Baffles Brains

Very few people in certain sections of UFOlogy do any serious due dilligence or research. Even when evidence is presented to people that counters their beliefs, they don’t want to listen, lest their fragile belief system is shattered. Here is a classic case of the lie that has been repeated so many times, people accept…